Public API

There are several public APIs to return data overview and perform a search that returns only objects counts. The implementation of public APIs relies on a project customized configuration file (config.json) that must be placed in the base directory. Currently, there is an example.config.json located in /katsu/chord_metadata_service directory which is set to be the project base directory. The file can be copied, renamed to config.json and modified.

The config.json file contains fields that data providers would like to open for public access. If the config.json file is not set up/created it means there is no public data and no data will be available via these APIs.

Config file specification

The config.json file follows jsonschema specifications: it includes fields from katsu data model, defines their type and other attributes that determine how the data from these fields will be presented in the public response.

Jsonschema properties:

  • “overview” - an array defining the fields that will be queried for statistics to be displayed as charts and their layout in the overview panel

  • “search” - an array defining the fields that can be queried by the user for a count and their grouping by section

  • “fields” - configuration of the fields available for search or overview

  • “rules” - global privacy rules enforced on the data exported or the queries allowed

config.overview properties

An array of:

  • “section_title” (string) - title that will be displayed for the group of charts

  • “charts” - array of:

    • “field” (string) - field id (from the config.fields property), to get statistics from

    • “chart_type” (options: pie, bar) - defines the type of chart used to display the statistics properties

An array of:

  • “section-title” (string) - title that will be displayed for the group of fields

  • “fields” (string array) - Array of fields id (from the config.fields)

config.fields properties:

A dictionary, keyed by field id of:

  • “mapping” (string) - defines in a path like format, the mapping between the field and its object representation in the Django ORM. The first part is a reference to the model. The following is the “location” of the field relative to the model (might be nested or made accross joins). Example “individual/extra_properties/date_of_consent”

  • “mapping_for_search_filter” optional (string) - defines the mapping between the field and its object representation relative to the Individual model in the Django ORM for use in counting matching indivduals. Example “individual/biosamples/experiment/experiment_type”. When absent the value from the “mapping” property is used by default.

  • “title” (string) - name that is displayed to the user

  • “description” (string) - detailed description of the field, suitable for a tooltip

  • “datatype” (options number, date, string) - defines the type of field

  • “config” (dict) - a configuration object that defines the values or ranges that can be queried for this field. Depends on the datatype.

    • [datatype=number].config:

      • Config for auto-binning:

        • “bin-size” (number): bins width. Due to implementation limitations, must be an integer for now.

        • “minimum” (number): values lesser than minimum can’t be queried

        • “maximum” (number): values greater than or equal to maximum can’t be queried

        • “taper_left” (number): cutoff value for the first bin. Disabled when equals to minimum

        • “taper_right” (number): cutoff value for the last bin. Disabled when equals to maximum

        • “units” (string): unit that will be displayed to the user

      • Config for custom binning:

        • “bins” (list of numbers): boundaries of the bins

        • “minimum” optional (number): values lesser than minimum can’t be queried. When absent, no limit is applied on the minimum boundary for the first bin.

        • “maximum” optional (number): values greater than or equal to maximum can’t be queried. When absent, no limit is applied on the maximum boundary for the last bin.

    • [datatype=string].config:

      • “enum” (string array or null): when set to null, the distinct values are extracted from the table content. When set as a list, only the values listed will be displayed to the user.

    • [datatype=date].config:

      • “bin-by” (options month): only one valid option implemented for now. Bin values according to the method defined.

config.rules properties:

  • “count_threshold” (number): when a count for a given bin is below or equal to this value, 0 is returned instead (avoids leaking small cell counts)

  • “max_query_parameters” (number): maximum number of fields that can be queried simultaneously for a count

Example of the config.json

  "overview": [
          "section_title": "Demographics",
          "charts": [
              {"field": "age", "chart_type": "bar"},
              {"field": "sex", "chart_type": "pie"},
              {"field": "date_of_consent", "chart_type": "bar"},
              {"field": "mobility", "chart_type": "bar"},
              {"field": "lab_test_result_value", "chart_type": "bar"}
          "section_title": "Experiments",
          "charts": [
              {"field": "experiment_type", "chart_type": "pie"}
  "search": [
          "section_title": "Demographics",
          "fields": ["age", "sex", "date_of_consent", "lab_test_result_value"]
  "fields": {
      "age": {
          "mapping": "individual/age_numeric",
          "title": "Age",
          "description": "Age at arrival",
          "datatype": "number",
          "config": {
              "bin_size": 10,
              "taper_left": 10,
              "taper_right": 100,
              "units": "years",
              "minimum": 0,
              "maximum": 100
      "sex": {
          "mapping": "individual/sex",
          "title": "Sex",
          "description": "Sex at birth",
          "datatype": "string",
          "config": {
              "enum": null
      "experiment_type": {
          "mapping": "experiment/experiment_type",
          "mapping_for_search_filter": "individual/biosamples/experiment/experiment_type"
          "title": "Experiment Types",
          "description": "Types of experiments performed on a sample",
          "datatype": "string",
          "config": {
              "enum": ["DNA Methylation", "mRNA-Seq", "smRNA-Seq", "RNA-Seq", "WES", "Other"]
      "date_of_consent": {
          "mapping": "individual/extra_properties/date_of_consent",
          "title": "Verbal consent date",
          "description": "Date of initial verbal consent(participant, legal representative or tutor), yyyy-mm-dd",
          "datatype": "date",
          "config": {
              "bin_by": "month"
      "lab_test_result_value": {
          "mapping": "individual/extra_properties/lab_test_result_value",
          "title": "Lab Test Result",
          "description": "This acts as a placeholder for numeric values",
          "datatype": "number",
          "config": {
              "bin_size": 50,
              "taper_left": 50,
              "taper_right": 800,
              "minimum": 0,
              "maximum": 1000,
              "units": "mg/L"
  "rules": {
      "count_threshold": 5,
      "max_query_parameters": 2

Public endpoints

The public APIs include the following endpoints:

  1. /api/public_search_fields GET: returns a json containing for each section of the search form, the list of fields that can be queried and the authorized values.

Example of response

   "sections": [
           "section_title": "Demographics",
           "fields": [
                   "mapping": "individual/age_numeric",
                   "title": "Age",
                   "description": "Age at arrival",
                   "datatype": "number",
                   "config": {
                       "bin_size": 10,
                       "taper_left": 10,
                       "taper_right": 100,
                       "units": "years",
                       "minimum": 0,
                       "maximum": 100
                   "id": "age",
                   "options": [
                       "< 10",
                   "mapping": "individual/sex",
                   "title": "Sex",
                   "description": "Sex at birth",
                   "datatype": "string",
                   "config": {
                       "enum": null
                   "id": "sex",
                   "options": [
                   "mapping": "individual/extra_properties/date_of_consent",
                   "title": "Verbal consent date",
                   "description": "Date of initial verbal consent(participant, legal representative or tutor), yyyy-mm-dd",
                   "datatype": "date",
                   "config": {
                       "bin_by": "month"
                   "id": "date_of_consent",
                   "options": [
                       "Nov 2020",
                       "Dec 2021",
                       "Jan 2021",
                       "Feb 2021",
                       "Mar 2021",
                       "Apr 2021",
                       "May 2021",
                       "Jun 2021",
                       "Jul 2021",
                       "Aug 2021",
                       "Sep 2021",
                       "Oct 2021",
                       "Nov 2021",
                       "Dec 2022",
                       "Jan 2022"
                   "mapping": "individual/extra_properties/lab_test_result_value",
                   "title": "Lab Test Result",
                   "description": "This acts as a placeholder for numeric values",
                   "datatype": "number",
                   "config": {
                       "bin_size": 50,
                       "taper_left": 50,
                       "taper_right": 800,
                       "minimum": 0,
                       "maximum": 1000,
                       "units": "mg/L"
                   "id": "lab_test_result_value",
                   "options": [
                       "< 50",
                       "≥ 800"

The response when public fields are not configured and config file is not provided: :code:`{"message": "No public fields configured."}`
  1. /api/public_overview GET: returns an overview that contains counts for each field of interest.

    The response when there is no public data available and config file is not provided: {"message": "No public data available."}

  2. /api/public GET: returns a count of all individuals in database.

    The response when there is no public data available and config file is not provided: {"message": "No public data available."}

    The response when there is no enough data that passes the project-custom threshold: {"message": "Insufficient data available."}

    When count is less or equal to a project’s custom threshold returns message that insufficient data available. Accepts search filters on the fields that are specified in the config.json file. Example of searches:

    • sex: e.g. /api/public?sex=female

    • age: search by age range e.g. /api/public?age=20-30

    • combined fields: e.g. /api/public?smoking=Non-smoker&covidstatus=positive

    • date: e.g. /api/public?date_of_consent=Feb 2021

    The accepted values for the field names and their content is limited to the ones listed in /api/public_search_fields. Note that searches on categories (datatype as string) are case insensitive